Approved standard indications
- Plantar fasciitis with or without heel spur
- Achilles tendonitis (Achillodynia)
- Radial epicondylopathy (tennis elbow)
- Rotator cuff with or without calcification
- Patellar tendonitis (jumperĀ“s knee)
- Greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS)
- Ulnar epicondylopathy (golfer arm)
- Adductor syndrome
- Pes anserinus syndrome
- Peroneal tendon syndrome
- Muscle lesions without discontinuity
Exceptional indications/expert indications
- Spasticity
- Apophysitis (Osgood Schlatter disease)
Uses under experimental conditions
- Peripheral nerve lesions
- Scar tissue
- Periodontal disease
- Osteoarthritis
- Cellulite
- Impaired bone healing
- Impaired wound healing